
We Are Trusted Family Law 和 皇冠足彩 Attorneys

皇冠足彩从来都不容易. 但如果你挥动魔杖就能得到最好的结果,那会是什么样子呢? 皇冠足彩app的格林斯伯勒皇冠足彩律师可以指导你解决当今复杂的法律问题, 营业税, 金融, 心理皇冠足彩环境. We work with you to develop creative solutions tailored to your unique situation.

当涉及到皇冠足彩和婚前协议时,我们可以处理最复杂的问题, 抚养权和子女抚养费, 公平分配, 财产分割. 皇冠足彩s involving significant assets (high-net-worth) 和 high income can be intricate. 我们的团队懂得利用企业估值和养老金估值领域的专家. We work with high-net-worth clients to achieve the best outcome.

皇冠足彩网皇冠足彩律师We Are Certified Family Law Specialists in 皇冠足彩网

卡洛琳J. Woodruff is a North Carolina State Bar Board Certified Specialist in Family Law. She is graduated from Duke University School of Law, 注册会计师, 和注册估值分析师. 与伍德拉夫女士同行的是律师乔纳森. Csuka是北卡罗来纳州律师委员会家庭法认证专家,也是公司董事.

Ms. Woodruff和另一位北卡罗来纳州律师委员会认证的家庭法专家一起: Jonathan D. Csuka.

Our practice is concentrated in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina. Our attorneys regularly h和le child custody 和 support, 公平分配, 皇冠足彩, 以及皇冠足彩网的其他家庭法律事务, 高点, 温斯顿塞勒姆, Asheboro, 以及周边地区. For a complete listing of our communities served, 点击这里.

Family conflicts leading to marital dissolution, 监护权纠纷, 和 problems after 皇冠足彩 can be overwhelming. 我们可以帮忙! Call today to learn more 和 set up your initial consultation with one of our attorneys. 你会没事的! 记住,!

Our 皇冠足彩 Lawyers in the Piedmont Triad Work with You to Create a Plan

您与伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的旅程始于我们的初步咨询过程. 我们一起为您的案例创建一个计划,旨在满足您合理和独特的目标.

专注于家庭法, 皇冠足彩app经验丰富的皇冠足彩和家庭律师有知识和同情心来处理任何家庭法律案件或问题. 我们知道,许多咨询家庭法律律师或皇冠足彩律师的人在情感上都有困难, which is taken into consideration while h和ling your case.

We are well-versed in North Carolina family law, 和 our 皇冠足彩皇冠足彩 attorneys will help you underst和 和 establish your rights. 此案是否涉及孩子监护权问题, 祖父母的权利, 房产部门, 配偶的支持, 婚前协议, 或者其他类型的家庭法, we strive for competency because “competency counts.” Our team responds with dedicated advocacy 和 sophisticated h和ling of all matters.


When significant assets are involved, a 皇冠足彩 matter can be more complex. 皇冠足彩app的工作人员包括一支高素质的北卡罗来纳州律师队伍, 会计师, 北卡罗来纳州注册律师助理, 和法律助理,以确保您的独特情况得到最有能力和创造性的指导. 针对高净值和高收入客户, issues of importance include these three main categories: Equitable Distribution, 配偶的支持, 及子女管养. 我们资深的格林斯伯勒皇冠足彩律师会仔细考虑如何分割高价值资产. We have extensive experience in accounting 和 the valuation of assets, including the division of closely-held businesses. 了解更多.


皇冠足彩是人生的大事. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, 我们处理绝对皇冠足彩, 名称的改变, 从食宿上皇冠足彩, 家庭暴力问题, 分离协议, 暂时缓解, 第二意见. We offer expertise in premarital agreements 和 post-nuptial agreements. 让我们经验丰富的家庭法专家指导您规划和完成整个过程. 了解更多.


我们的格林斯伯勒律师是家庭法方面的认证专家,可以帮助您解决孩子的监护权和抚养问题. 在北卡罗来纳州, courts often grant gr和parents custody or visitation. Child custody has the potential to be contested. Carolyn Woodruff律师和Woodruff家庭法律集团的专家团队致力于保护儿童的最大利益,这是我们整体使命的一部分. 如果你是祖父母, 我们经验丰富的家庭法律律师可以帮助您了解您的监护权或探视权. 了解更多.


The division of property in a 皇冠足彩 case is known as 公平分配. 公平分配是皇冠足彩网家庭法和皇冠足彩律师处理的最关键问题之一, 高点, 温斯顿塞勒姆, Asheboro, Reidsville, 伯灵顿, 丹伯里, Yanceyville, 以及整个州的其他地区. 北卡罗来纳州在皇冠足彩案件的公平分配中假定所有婚姻财产在双方之间平均分配. 我们经验丰富的律师可以帮助您在财产分配过程中进行有效的谈判, 包括养老金和退休账户. 了解更多.


The term 配偶的支持 refers to both alimony 和 post-separation support. 赡养费是配偶赡养的康复形式,而分居后的赡养是暂时的. The main difference between the two is the timeframe. 在北卡罗来纳州, 赡养费是一种配偶支持,由赡养配偶提供赡养配偶的费用. Our 皇冠足彩网 lawyers have experience with 配偶的支持. 如果你寻求配偶的支持,在申请皇冠足彩前向家庭律师寻求建议是至关重要的! 我们经验丰富的律师可以帮助指导您. 了解更多.


一旦初审法官作出判决,一方或双方当事人可能对案件的结果不满意,并可能考虑上诉. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, we have attorneys experienced in h和ling appellate work. 我们在皮埃蒙特三合会的经验丰富的律师知道并理解在上诉工作中需要遵循的技术要求. We h和le appeals all over the state of North Carolina. 了解更多.


Issues that arise during 皇冠足彩 can be far-reaching, including potential claims for alienation of affection 和 criminal conversation. 你可以向第三者提出民事索赔,因为第三者破坏了你和配偶的爱情关系. 我们经验丰富的家庭法专家可以帮助您评估您是否有这样的索赔. We also defend claims if you have been sued for alienation of affection. 随着科技和社交媒体的发展, 电子媒体等问题, 欺诈和隐藏资产, 和 invasion of privacy have become more significant. 在皇冠足彩网,我们的皇冠足彩律师随时准备站在你身边,帮助你处理皇冠足彩的附带后果. 了解更多.

Business Planning/Financial Planning for 皇冠足彩

我们经验丰富的家庭法和皇冠足彩律师可以帮助您处理营业税等问题, 企业估值, 欺诈和隐藏资产, 以及家庭伴侣问题和协议. Whether you own your business or are a co-owner, 我们有知识和技能来帮助您帮助您的企业度过皇冠足彩过程. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, 我们的专家团队可以与您的公司律师和注册会计师合作,制定一个计划,帮助您的企业在皇冠足彩过程中生存下来. 了解更多.


皇冠足彩app经验丰富的律师处理所有类型的争议解决, 诉讼, 和协议. Mediation is the first step in most 皇冠足彩 和 custody cases in North Carolina. If your objectives are not met during mediation, the next step is preparing for a family law trial, 哪个是法庭程序. 协作法和仲裁涉及双方同意以协议结束的协作过程的谈判, 仲裁, 或者是审判. 了解更多.


We offer a global perspective in the practice of family law. 我们在皮埃蒙特三合会的律师服务于海波因特和温斯顿-塞勒姆,在处理来自全球许多文化的家庭法案件方面经验丰富. 我们皇冠足彩网的皇冠足彩律师了解您的家庭法律案件中可能出现的文化问题,并帮助指导您完成整个过程. 我们已经与来自几乎每个大洲的北卡罗莱纳州的客户合作,并拥有有效处理您的问题的专业知识. 了解更多.

联系 us to schedule a consultation regarding any legal family concerns you may have.

Carolyn Woodruff was tenacious, knowledgeable, 和 thorough. 她和她的团队在门口帮我控制情绪,把这件事当作商业交易来处理. Quite often I would have questions or need documents explained to me, 和 both Steve 和 Ben did a good job explaining things. The firm was welcoming, 和 the support staff were friendly, professional, 和 helpful. D.M.
卡罗琳伍德拉夫有一个百科全书的家庭法的知识,在北卡罗来纳州-加上她的经验, she was able to steer through the stressful minefield of family litigation. Her whole team exudes the professionalism 和 competence she fosters in her practice. Highly recommend Carolyn if you need family law representation! C.K.
伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所帮助我和我的家人度过了我成年后最困难的时期之一. The entire firm was kind, professional, 和 courteous. All calls 和 correspondence were responded to in a timely fashion, 和 they were excellent stewards of my budget. I would not hesitate to contact them again if needed. M.U.